Sunday, September 14, 2008


ALHAMDULILLAH, finally the PDRM has decided to invoke the ISA to preempt such action by some quarters of our society who may have resulted in racial riot in the entire country as in 1969.
Why are we so afraid of the ISA ? It is a piece of legislation specially made for maintaing law and order in the country to strike at individuals or a group of individuals who, through their conduct ,may result in undermining the security and stability of the country.
The USA has the PATRIOT Act aimed at terrorists groups or their related groups or associate whose actions are suspicious of underminingt he security of the USA.
In UK they have the Anti Terrorim Act( Amendment 2007) also aimed at terrorists and their associate whose activies may undermine the security of the country, ( UK )
In all the above pieces of legislations, which were made legally, in accordance with the normal process of the law and procedure are designed to maintain law and order of the country and with the welfare of its citizen at heart.
ISA is a special piece of legislation as opposed to the ordinary penal legislations being administered in the country. Its objective is to strike at the source of the problem before it could begin to spread and cause more damage and carnage. In other words, it "nip it in the bud" what ever actions which are deemed sucpiciously dangerous to the safety of the country and its people.
Due to its nature, ISA is not invoked sparingly. It is rarely used.It is only invoked in circumstances that really calls for a swift and potent action to quell any signs of subversion of our nation`s security and economy.
Yes, we do have Sedition Act and Defamation Act and Penal Code which are also Penal in nature. However, the actions and conduct of some quarters in Malaysia of late cannot be adequately dealt with the ordianbry way as they also act in a most extraodinarily. We cannot afford to sit on our laurels and wait for trouble turns into anarchy and propelled into magnanimous revulsion of chaos that will disrtupt the ectire security and economu of the nation. It would be ashame if that happen given the fact that we have had a glorious 50 years of magical formula in maintaning peace harmony .
We are now in the first year of the second phase of the next 50 years after our independence in 1957. We should not let anything compromise what we have successfully achieved collectively.
Outsiders are always jealous of the secret of our young nation`s success in maitianing such harmony and prosperity in a nation with variety of ethnicity. What is happening now is a classic exmaple of outside intervention using their proxy within our country. We should always be vigilant and sensitive to outside intervention. We should also not be easily swayed by certain quarters serenading empty promises for a better leadership dan governance. We might end up worst than the good life that we are enjoying now.
So dont be easily clouded by the smoke screen orchesstrated and pre-arranged by some unpatritotic group of people.


Blackfuiyo said...


Akhirnya saya dapat juga masuk ke dalam forum yg panas lagi pedas ini...setelah pinjam identiti adik yg lebih arif ttg it ni.

ISA...ada pro dan kontra thdpnya. Contonya,Datuk Zaid Ibrahim tdk bersetuju dgn ISA ini bahkan beliau meletak jawatan sebagai menteri.

MCA dan Gerakan juga cenderung utk menolak ISA. Kalau pembangkang.......memang sejak dulu lagi menolak ISA....mungkin kerana selama ini ISA sering digunakan utk membenamkan suara pembangkang yg tajam dan lantang tsbt.

Dalam akbar ahad lalu, MAZA berkata Islam tdk perlu ISA.

Saya percaya...UMNO akhirnya tidak akan mampu memberi justifikasi thdp ISA. ISA pd akhirnya akan terhapus jua akhirnya.

Mungkinkah ?

AH Sidek said...

Sebagaimana yang saya katakan ISA maknanya Internal Security Act ataupun dalam bah melayau Akta Keselamatan dalam Negeri.

Buat makluman saudaraMatai, setiap negara dalam Dunia ini ada sebuah atau beberapa buah undang-undang seperti ISA di Malaysia ini.

Tujuan utama undang-undang ini adalah bagi menjamin keselamatan dan kestabilan sesebuah negara dan juga ekonomi negara itu. Faktaor ekonomi adalah berkaitan dengan kestabilan negara. Jika negara haru-biru asyik dok bergelora je dari segi keselamatan pun tak menentu maka pelabur asing tidak akan datang melabur dan lari ketem pat lain yang lebih selamat dan terjamin pelaburan mereka.

ISA bukan ditujukan terhadap golongan parti pembangkang sahaja.Itu suatu persepsi yang silap. Ia ditujukan terhadap individu atau kumpulan orang yang melalui aktiviti mereka boleh membenihkan gangguan keselamatan negara sama ada fizikal landscape or economy negara.

Anasir-nasair komunis dalam zaman sekarang tidak lagi membawa senjata yang kita boleh lihat dgn mata kita. Mereka banyak berselindung disebalik dan dicelah-celah kehidupan yang selesa di bandar-bandar dengan menyebut nama "kebebasan Asasi". Aktiviti mereka amat berbahaya tetapi amat sukar utk dibuktilan. Ia seperti api dalam sekam. Jika dibiarkan tanpa pantauan akan merebak luas. Juga ia seringkali menyembunyikan segala bahan-bahan bukti. Maka Unadang-undang membioleh kerajaan yg memerintah mengambil pendekatan seacra "pre-emptive" pada peringkat p[utik lagi sebelum sempat besar atau merebak.

Saya yakin dan percaya sesiapa sahaja ayng memerintah negara ini mereka akan mengekalkan ISA

BoBo Chan said...

hurm US sendiri ader akta patriot but kenape asyik2 sebok2 ngan ISA Malaysia? i think Patriot tu sepuluh kali ganda non-humantarian dari ISA isnt??? human right la konon..........US try to be worl police........Tolong la cermin diri dulu..