Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Dearest friends,
Yes correct. I said friends. That is correct. I never said otherwise. Though some may have some idea what its all about ,equally some may have no idea at all. Apparently, from what was reported from the news, it started one evening when a client visited his lawyer friend, VK.Lingam, at his residence and the latter began to have a lively and loud conversation. It turned out that the client`s son was in attendance and he decided to record the conversation.
The news also reported that it contained allegations of judgement fixing and also fixing of appointment of High Court judges, promotion to senior judicial office etc. It alleges that VK.Lingam was speaking to someone in authority who could fix all tose things alleged.
The govt of malaysia decided to convene a Royal Commission which has deliberated. It has interviewed many people. Their statements have been compiled and a report has been completed. It will be presented before the YDP Agong soon.
Subsequently the report would be made public,as suggested by its chairman, Tan Sri Haidar, former Federal Court Judge. The recommendations contained in the report would be ineteresting to note. Many are aware that prominent figures ahs been called to give statements during the deliberation of the Royal Commission.
The entire nation awaits for the publication of the report.


Fareenz said...

i see Prof, kirenyer Lingam macam org tengah la kan??

and the person which he was talking to is someone with pangkat or sort of that...

its more like corruption, bribery..

so, that's it. im quite confused with the involvement of Tun and is more than that, i know but i just want to know the 'root' thing...

thanks a lot Prof!:)