Saturday, July 19, 2008


FOR THE PAST FEW DAYS THIS THREE LETTERS D . N. A have been taking centre stage in all our national newspapers and tabloids as well the electronic media. Everyone of us has been talking about it. Whether DSAI should or should not have voluntered to give his DNA, the advantages or disadvantages, the long and short of it all etc...
Just what is a DNA????DNA
DNA is an abbreviation from: Deoxyribonucleic acid.

It is a chromosomal double chain that exists in the nucleus of each living cell. DNA determines an individual's hereditary characteristics and can be used to distinguish and identify an individual from another person. This becomes critical when blood, hair, skin, or any other part of the body is used to prove one's involvement, or lack of involvement, in a crime scene.
Legal history proved that DNA tests have been used to release a convicted killer on death row who did not commit a crime, but debate continues over whether DNA evidence is scientifically certain enough to be admitted in trials. The current trend is to allow admission.
The debate currently in Malaysia in relation to the DSAI sodomy investigation viz. a viz allegation made pursuant to S.377 C, Penal Code is not the authoritativeness of the DNA but his reluctance to give consent to the taking of his DNA.
It should be noted that in so far as our evidence law is concerned, DNA is just another form of circumstantial evidence. Though it may be admissible in court as evidence, it is by no means conclusive proof so as to as render a conviction as to the guilt of the accused in a criminal trial.
Indeed the onus is very heavy on the prosecution relying on circumstantial evidence. Such evidence must point irressistibly to the guilt of the accused. If there are any gaps in it then it will not be sufficient. (PP v Lin Lian Chen [1992] 2 MLJ 561, Supreme Court)
So I really am puzzled why there are so much reluctance to volunter his DNA. Such evidence will still has to meet with other requirements of the law, as checks and abalance, to establish guilt especially in such sexual offence.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Debat ini yang pertama kali sepertinya dilakukan adalah suatu sejarah segar dan subur bagi demokrasi yang hidup dalam pentadbiran Barisan Nasional di bawah kepimpinan YAB Dato` Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Perdana Menteri kita.
Belum pernah lagi berlaku di Malaysia, kedua-dua pemimpin parti yang berbeza antara kerajaan dan pembangkang boleh berkongsi pentas yang sama dan berhujjah secara terhormat dan sungguh berhemah.
Ini menunjukkan bahawa tohmahan bahawa kerajaan BN aalah tidak perihatin dan kuku besi dalam menjalankan pentadbiran negara adalah tidak berasas sama sekali. Malahan jika kita lihat para penonton dalam dalam dewan tersebut pun dibahagikan sama rata mengikut nisbah pembangkang dan kerajaan.

Syabas dan tahniah diucapkan kepada Menteri Penerangan Malaysia, Dato Ahmad Shabery Chik , seorang pemimpin muda UMNO yang telah berani menyahut cabaran pihak pembangkang. Beliau telah sekali gus membuktikan kepada para sceptics yang menjangkakan beliau akan diratah mentah-mentah oleh Anwar sama sekali tidak benar dan meleset.
Malahan jika kita lihat beberapa kali Anwar tergamam dan tidak menjawab langsung perkara yang dibangkitkan oleh Menteri Penerangan kita terhadap beliau. Apabila Datuk Ahmada Shabery Chik merujuk kepada fakta sejarah perihal pentadbiran Anwar sewaktu menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Kewangan Malaysia dahulu yang mengakibatkan banyak syarikat bumiputera kecil dan sederhana(SMI) gulung tikar-Anwar lansung tiada jawaban dan mendiamkan diri dalam isu itu.
Anwar kerapkali mengatakan bahawa kecaman terhadap corak pentadbiran dan polisi beliau dahulu adalah sebagai personal attacks. Walhal, Ahmad Shabery Chik sekadar merujuk kepada ciri-ciri kepimpinan beliau yang mentadbir negara ketika itu dan di khuatiri masih di tahap yang sama dan jika berjaya menubuhkan kerajaan akan bersifat seperti dulu juga.
Saya merujuk kepada sebuah e-mail yang saya terima tadi iaitu komentar mengenai isu dalam debat tersebut di bawah ini:

Apa yang pasti satu sejarah tercipta apabila Menteri Penerangan muda telah berani berdepan dengan bekas Timbalan Perdana Menteri yang dipecat dan juga pemimpin de facto PKR Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Debat yang diadakan di Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka dipengerusikan oleh Datuk Johan Jaafar dan dua orang ahli panel - Pengarang akhbar Siasah, Zulkifli Sulong dan Tan Sri Dr.Nordin Kardi, Naib Canselor dari Universiti Utara Malaysia.

Debat yang bertajuk "Bentuk Kerajaan, Esok Akan Turun Harga Minyak". Apa yang dapat diulas disini adalah debat ini sebenarnya tidak mencapai matlamat yang sebenarnya dan bukanlah pula gagal dalam konteks penerangan yang mana debat ini telah diselewengkan dari tajuk asal dimana Anwar tidak fokus kepada isu dan tajuk debat ini yang sebenar. Mungkin bagi pihak pembangkang dan rakyat biasa yang kurang arif dengan subjek teknikal menganggap debat ini berpihak kepada Anwar kerana seperti biasa Anwar telah banyak memutar belitkan fakta sebenar dan berjaya menyusun ayat -ayat yang membayangkan bahawa beliau adalah pejuang kepada rakyat. Dari segi isi sebenar Anwar gagal untuk membuktikan apa yang telah beliau janjikan dan gagal untuk membuktikan bahawa beliau boleh menunaikan janji-janji yang telah dilakukan pada pilihanraya yang lalu.

Anwar dari tajuk sebenar dengan menekan bahawa beliau akan menurunkan harga minyak sebanyak 50 sen. (Lari dari tajuk dan janji beliau pada plihanraya yang lalu) di mana harga minyak pada masa itu adalah RM1.92 jika kita masih mengekalkan harga RM 1.92 maka kerajaan perlu subsidi sebanyak 50 billion yang mana banyak pembangunan terpaksa dihentikan, projek seperti jalan, sekolah terpaksa dihentikan. Anwar banyak merapu dengan mengulangi perkara lama seperti bail out pewaja dan bail out bermacam-macam lagi benda lain yang tidak diterangkan. Selanjutnya>>

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


SAYA DAH kata banyak kali dah. Polis pun dah kata banyak kali. Pak Lah pun dah ingatkan kita semuia banyak kali. JANGAN SERTAI PERHIMPUNAN HARAM!
Kita adalah negara yang berdaulat dan ditadbirkan oleh sebuah kerajaan yang telah melalui proses demokrasi. Semua harus sedar dan insaf bahawa walaubagaimana pahit sekalipun bagi sesetengah golongan orang untuk menelan, terima lah hakikatnya bahawa ini adalah kerajaan BARISAN NASIONAL. Ia di terajui oleh UMNO dan parti-parti komponen yang lain seperti MCA,MIC, PBS,UPKO,SUPP dll
Apa lagi yang tidak senang di hati mereka saya pun kurang arif. Mereka telah berjaya memasukkan wakil-wakil mereka serami 82 orang kedalam Parliamen. Mereka telah ada wakil untuk menyuarakan isihati dan perut mereka di dalam Dewan Rakyat melalui ahli-ahli YB mereka. Namun mereka masih lagi suka untuk pergi ke kawasan lapang dan sepanjang jalanraya untuk menyuarakan keresahan mereka.
Apa yang bertambah pelik dan hairan, turut terlibat dalam perhimpunan-perhimpunan itu juga adalah Ahli Parlimen mereka sendiri. Tidak cukup mereka berhujjah dalam Parlimen nak tambah lagi masa kat luar Parlimen pulak. Mereka juga lah yang menjadi bintang tarikan utam di dalam banyak perhimnpunan tersebut.
Persoalannya: apakah motif sebenar mengadakan demonstrasi jalanan atau perhimpunan haram tersebut sedangkan cara terhormat dan mengikut lunas undang-undang telah sedia ada???
Undang-undang adalah jelas. S.27 (5) Akta Polis 1967 dengan terang menyatakan sebarang perhimpunan yang dihadhiri oleh lebih daripada tiga (3) orang tanpa mendapat kebenaran/permit daripada pihak polis melalui Ketua Polis Daerah kawasan yang berkenaan adalah suatu PERHIMPUNAN HARAM dan merupakan suatu kesalahan jenayah.
S.27(8) Akta Polis 1967 juga menyatakan, mana-mana orang yang didapati bersalah di mahkamah kerana terlibat dengan perhimpunan haram itu boleh dijatuhkan denda tidak kurang daripada dua ribu ringgit(RM2.000) dan tidak lebih daripada sepuluh ribu ringgit (RM10,000) DAN hukuman penjara tidak lebih dari satu tahun.

MAKA adalah teramat jelas dan terang lagi bersuluh seabarang perhimpunan, perjumpaan, mesyuarat taua apa sekalaipun nama yang diberikan tanpa memenuhi syarat undang-undang di atas adalah salah di sisi undang-undang dan boleh dikenakan hukuman.
Mungkin ralai yang tak tahu atau pura-pura tak tahu. Polis belum bertindak lagi. Mereka masih lagi boleh bersabar. Tetapi selpas ini mungkin mereka tidak boleh bersabar lagi. Fikirlah sendiri.

Leia Mais…

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Blogger Buzz: Show off your favorite blogs with a Blog List

Leia Mais…

Saturday, July 12, 2008


OUR WAY LAH ! WHEN HE rule this country of ours,god forbid, he can do it HIS own way lah! At the moment let the BN do it their OWN way. This is a democratically elected government through a democratic processvide the 12th General Election of Malaysia on 8th.March,2008.We are puzzled why there are a group of highly specialized people who love take it to the streets shouting, protesting, blaming others, making wild accusations against the present government of the day.Its becoming a weekend activitiy for some quarters to bring along even their young ones,including babies, to participate in such gatherings in the city centre. What they sought to achive by such futile exercise is beneath me, I must say.Prices of food, other merchandise and fuel has gone up is not due to the government`s management of the country. It is global and the entire universe is affected. The YAB Prime Minister, Dato` Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has been managing the country well and please let him steer the good governance of the country so that we may ALL come out of this temporary set back on our feet all square and fair.It is UNFAIR to make demands to the PM to manage the country out of the present inflation whilst at the same time going to the streets making noises and undermining the country`s stability and security. Its a bit like putting a loaded gun at a person`s head and ask him to confess.I have said it many times much earlier. Please do not test the patience of the authorities. The Police has so far been so kind to the people who have been attending and participating in public rallies, gatherings, demonstartions all without proper police permit. The police have not been making arrests which they could easily do if they had been enforcing the law strictly. Just because there have not been any major arrest that does not mean that the public gatherings without proper police permits are legal. They are still considered as illegal assemblies nad anyone participoated or involved may be taking legal action by the Police.Yet again the people can be so nasty and calling names when the police are merely doing their job. The recent investigation by the ACA against Tan Sri Musa Hassan and Tan Sri Ghani Patail on the allegation of corrupt practice by the present advisor of PKR shows that the present government is a transparent adminstration and accountable to the people. However, this does not mean that the government does not have to listen or even dictated by the opposition party.As our YB Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri, Dato` Seri Syed Hamid Albar said: " When Anwar rule the country, he can do it whatever and how he likes. But until then we rule the country OUR way and will not be dictated by the opposition".

Leia Mais…

Friday, July 4, 2008


News update online this morning posted a news that P.Balsubramanim has recently retracted his earlier SD especially those bits alleging our DPM, Dato` Seri Najib Razak of his involvement with the murder case of the late Al-Tantuya Sharibu.
Alhamdulillah, at least Balasubramanim is prepared to tell the true story of what actually happened and while he retracted some but maintain the other remarks he made in the SD
-please read the following related news (taken from NSTonline)

Private investigator P. Balasubramaniam today retracted all statements that he had made about Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s alleged involvement with Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu in his statutory declaration dated July 1.
I wish to retract the entire contents of my statuutory declaration dated July 1 2008. I was compelled to affirm the said statutory declaration under duress,” he said in his new statutory declaration dated today.Speaking through M. Arulampalam, a lawyer who accompanied him at the news conference, Balasubramaniam told the reporters that the statements contained in his previous statutory declaration were inaccurate and not the truth.

The new statutory declaration states:

“I wish to expressly state that at no material time did (Abdul) Razak (Abdullah) Baginda inform me that he was introduced to Altantuya Shaaribu by a VIP and at no material time did Razak Baginda inform me that Datuk Seri Najib had a sexual relationship with Altantuya Shaaribu and that she was susceptible to anal intercourse.“At no material time did Razak Baginda inform me that Datuk Seri Najib instructed Razak Baginda to look after Altantuya Shaaribu as he did not want her to harass him since he was the Deputy Prime Minister;

“At no material time did Razak Baginda and or Altantuya Shaaribu inform me that Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, together with Razak Baginda and Altantuya Shaaribu, had met and all been together at a dinner in Paris;“At no material time did Altantuya Shaaribu inform me that she wanted money in the sum of US$500,000 as a commission for a submarine deal she assisted with in Paris;“At no time whatsoever did Razak Baginda and/or Altantuya Shaaribu inform me that Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak met with Altantuya Shaaribu in Singapore;“At no time whatsoever did Altantuya Shaaribu inform me that she wanted me to arrange to see Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak;“At no time did I tell the police during the course of their investigations about any relationship between Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and Altantuya Shaaribu as no such relationship existed to my knowledge. Accordingly, the statement I signed before the police is complete;“At no time did Razak Baginda inform me that he had sent Datuk Seri Najib an SMS the evening before he was arrested; and “At no time did Razak Baginda inform me that Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had sent him an SMS on the day of his arrest to the effect that he was going to see the IGP (Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan) that day and that the matter should be resolved and for Razak Baginda to remain calm."Yesterday, Najib reiterated that that he never knew Altantuya and referred to the claim linking him with the murdered Mongolian woman as “a terrible lie”.Najib described this latest attempt to connect him to the crime as a“malicious, slanderous fabrication aimed at tarnishing my image.”

MY NENEK ada pesan dulu but I must qoute her in Negeri Sembilan dialect lah baru sodap:
" Lain kali , kalau nak cakap...ngango dulu......"

sobab eh :

" Terlajak perahu boleh di tarik, terlajak bayar ansuran....nanti kena repossess....."

Leia Mais…


WELL.WELL,WELL, if anything, the newspapers are full of stories of STATUTORY DECLARATIONS made by certain quarters whose obsession now seems to be producing SDs(statutory declarations). Perhaps they are going for the record, you can never tell. We might just get to awarded a place in the World Guiness Book of Record for the most rapid number of SDs produced in a single case!
Just what is a statutory declaration? Apakah dia Perakuan Bersumpah? I a hanyalah suatu kenyataan bertulis oleh mana-mana orang mengenai sebarang perkara atau peristiwa. Kenapa dan untuk apa orang itu membuatnya? Hanya orqang itu sahaj lah yang tahu. Jika mahu dibuat maka tiada siap pun boleh melarang. Bahasa dalam Akta 13 di bawah ini adalah jelas.

May be some of us are too busy to do some research. Just refer to a copy of the

An Act to provide for the making (and taking) of statutory declarations
and for purposes connected with it and incidental to it.
[Peninsular Malaysia—1 June 1961, L.N. 154/1961;
Sabah and Sarawak*—1 January 1969, P.U. 488/1968]
Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the Statutory Declarations Act 1960.
Form of declaration

2. It shall be lawful for any Sessions Court Judge, Magistrate,
or Commissioner for Oaths or, subject to section 4 of the Notaries
Public Act 1959 [Act 115], any notary public appointed under the
Notaries Public Act 1959, to take and receive the declaration of
any person voluntarily making the same in Malay or English in the
form in the Schedule.

False declaration punishable under Penal Code

3. Declarations made by virtue of the provisions of this Act
shall be deemed to be such declarations as are referred to in
sections 199 and 200 of the Penal Code [Act 574].


4. A person making any declaration by virtue of the provisions
of this Act shall pay to the officer or Commissioner taking the
same such fees as the Minister may from time to time by
notification in the Gazette prescribe.

[Section 2]
In Malay


Saya,............................................................................... dengan sesungguh
dan sebenarnya mengakui bahawa..........................................................dan
saya membuat akuan ini dengan kepercayaan bahawa akuan ini benar, serta
menurut peruntukan Akta Akuan Berkanun 1960.
Diperbuat dan dengan sesungguhnya diakui oleh
yang tersebut namanya di atas ............................. di............................................................................
di Negeri ...............................................................pada.......................................................................
................................................................, 20 ........

Di hadapan saya,
(Tandatangan Hakim
Mahkamah Sesyen, Majistret
atau Pesuruhjaya Sumpah)

Statutory Declarations

In English

I, solemnly and sincerely declare
and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be
true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1960.
Subscribed and solemnly declared by the abovenamed
in the State of ..............................................................this....................................................................,


Before me,
(Signature of Sessions Court Judge,
Magistrate or Commissioner
for Oaths)

Itulah dia rupa dan bentuk Perakuan Bersumpah atua lebih glamour lagi dikenali dengan SD(statutory declaration) Betul! Sesiapa saje boleh datang dan buat suatu SD. Tapi ingat, kalau SD itu didapati palsu atau sengaja diada-adakan mengenai isikandungannya maka orang yang membuatnya boleh dikenakan tindakan pendakwaan jenayah di bawah S.199 dan S.200,Kanun Keseksaan or Penal Code. Pembuat SD itu juga jika didapati bersalah boleh dihukum sama seperti orang yang membuat atau memberi keterangan palsu kepada mahkamah dan boleh dihukum dibawah S.193 Kanun Keseksaan iaitu hukuman penjara maksima tiga tahun dan denda.

The latest yesterday was another SD made against our beloved Deputy Prime Minister, Dato` Seri Najib and his wife , Datin Seri Rosmah,alleged to be linked to the Al-Tantuya murder case. As we have seen yesterday in the news on TV our Deputy Prime Minister have strongly rejected and denied such while and crazy allegation to be baseless and out to smear the good name of our DPM and wife and the entire government led by our beloved Prime Minster, Dato` Seri Abdullah Hj Ahmad Badawi.
Even the DPM`s staff in not safe from being implicated.The picture of the the DPM`s staff was posted in the internet who was seen standing next to the complainant, Saifufl Bukhari Azlan, in an allegation of sodomy against Anwar Ibrahim made by Saiful in his SD . Some tabloids started some wild stories that the staff was one of the person involved in the conspiracy levelled against Anwar.
The poor staff was puzzled over such wild aspersions and indeed highly scandalous inuendos suddenly became another point of attack. I believe we shld all stop making our speculation and indeed stop making uncessary and baseless SDs and led the Police get on with their professiona investigation into the allegation.
I believe the Police will discharge their duties most professionally given their years of training and expertise.

Leia Mais…

Thursday, July 3, 2008


HEBOH SEMALAM, dalam semua media elektronik dan akhbar bahawa ada 4 orang UMNO akan sertai PKR dan dua daripadanya adalah Menteri kabinet sekarang.
Tersibar luas dalam media elektronik terutamanya mendakwa YB Menteri Belia dan Sukan, iaitu Dato` Ismail Sabri Yakcob dan Timbalan Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi, iaitu Dato` Saifudin Abdullah telah bersedia untuk mengorak langkah dan hanya menati waktu yang sesuai saje.
Rupa-rupa nya itu semua hanyalah khayalan dan dongengan pihak lawan yangamat cemburu dengan keamanan dan keteguhan pentadbiran sekarang BN dibawah YAB Perdana Menteri kita dan Presiden UMNO, Dato` Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Semalam juga kedua-dua tokoh tersebut telah membuat press conference dan menafikan sekeras-kerasnya berita tersebut sebagai pembohongan dan firnah pihak lawan yang telah kehabisan modal dan politik murahan/picisan.
Saya mengambil peluang ini untuk berkongsi sedikit pengalaman saya bersama YB Menteri Belia dan Sukan Malaysia kita, iaitu Dato` Ismail Sabri Yakcob. Saya berpeluang melanjutkan pelajaran ke Fakulti Undang-Undang, Universiti Malaya,Kuala Lumpur bersama dengan Dato` Ismail Sabri ketika itu. Walaupun beliau adalah satu tahun senior saya, tetapi kami telah berkenalan dan menjadi sahabat baik. Ini disebabkan sifat semula jadi Dato` Ismail yang suka bersahaja dan berterus terang dalam segala isu dan interaksi harian kami tanpa memilih bulu dan darjat.
Sebagaimana yang saya kenali UB Dato Ismail Sabri amay senang berbincang dengan sesiap sahaja dan mudah mesra denagn kawan dan lawan. Beliau memang tak suka banyak birokrasi dan "action dan result oriented" . Lantaran itulah agaknya kami boleh bekerja dengan begitu baik dan rapat dalam kabinet beliau ketika Dato` Ismail telah menjadi Presiden, Persatuan Mahasiswa Universiti Malaya atau PMUM dalam bahasa Inggeris dipanggil "University Malaya Student Union(UMSU) ketika itu.
YB Dato` Ismail telah di pilih menjadi Presiden setelah kami memenangi Pilihanraya Kampus UM peringkat Umum dan Fakulti. Ketika itu saya telah dilantik menjadi Timbalan Setiausaha Agung dan bekerja rapat dengan Presiden dalam banyak urusan.Tema kami ketika pentadbiran beliau adalah menjalankian aktiviti bagi siswa/siswi dan memperjuangkan kebajikan pelajar disamaping perihatin denagn keadaan sekliling/masayarakat termasuklah dalam dan luar negara.
Saya amat bangga keran ketika tiu kabinet belaiu terdapat berbagai bangsa dan fahaman agama iaitu Melayu, Cina dan India. Masing-nasing memegang portfolio penting bagi menjayakan amanh yang telah diberikan oleh para pengundi/pelajar ketika itu.pasukan kami telah berjaya memenangi pilihanraya ketika itu dan mengalahkan pasukan yang dikatakan "favourite" tetapi extrreme pro ke seblah sana. Jelas mereka telah tidak diterima oleh pengunidi/pelajar dan kami menang besar.
Sepanjang pergaulan kami saya berani mengatakan bahwa YB Dato` Ismail Sabri tidak pernah berqiblatkan atau memberi sokongan apa pun kepada kepimpinan Anwar Ibrahim ataupun kumpulannya. Walaupun ketika itu ada suatu gelommbang besar yang digelar "Anwarion" sedang melanda semua kampus di tanahair namun PMUM ketika di bawah YB Dato` Ismail Sabri tidak pernah ada membuat hubungan lansung dengan Anwar Ibrahim dengan apa cara sekalipun.
Kami tetap dengan agenda kami dan mengutamakan kepentingan kebajikan siswa/siswi tanpa mengambil kesempatan terhadap para sisw/siswi yang "fresh" dan masih pening lalt dek "cultural shock"/kejutan budaya kampus.
Lain pula halnya, dengan sesetengah pihak yang mengambil kesempatan kemasukan pelajar baru dengan mengedarkan risalah/nota/surat beracun/fitnah keapda semua pelajar baru ketika Minggu Haluansiswa. Kebanyakan nya adalah menjadi ejen parti politik yang berbau perkauman,extremist dan anti-kerajaan. Kita juga lebih mementingkan isu semasa dan alam sejagat.
Saya masih teringat lagi bagaimana Dato`Ismail mengajak saya pergi mengadap Naib Canselor UM ketika itu, Prof.Di Raja Ungku Aziz kerana ingin memohon kebenaran mengadakan Perhimpunan Besar-besaran di Dewan Tunku Canselor(DTC) bagi mengecam dan memprotes kezaliman regim zionis yang menyerang dan membunuh beribu rakyat di Shartila dan Sharbila, Lebenon. Pak Ungku telah memberi sokongan padu dan meluluskan serta-merta penggunaa DTC dan segala kemudahan. Kami telah berjaya mendapatkan kehadhiran hampri semua Keduataan asing di Kuala Lumpur, wakil NGO Islam dan bukan Islam seluruh Malaysia bagi mengencam regim zionis Israel itu.Pada kami itu adalah aktiviti pelajatr yang amat sihat keran peka dengan keadaan dunia dan lestari kita yang global.
Mengimbau kembali kenangan tersebut dan hakikatnya sekarang adalah mustahil, bagi pandangan saya, bahawa YB Dato` Ismail Sabri yang jug seorang Menteri Kabinet kerajaan Barisan Nasional mahu melompat dan menyertai Anwar/PKR. Saperti kata petikan dalam wawancara semalam oleh YB Dato` Ismail " Ini semua kerje orang GILa! tak masuk akal dan tidak asas sekali!"
Mungkin pihak yang membuat laporan itu sengaja atau tersalah orang! Kredibiliti sumber berita tersebut pun amat musykil sekali. Tak pelah YB Dato`, sabar ajelah.
Selamat meneruskan perjuangan dan menjalankan tugas.

Leia Mais…

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Ever since news of DSAI`s sodomising the young man in blue shirt was posted all over intrnet as well other media sources I have been asked by many friends, neighbours, mamak stall, mak cik nasi lemak seller, insurance men, bankers, security guards etc....the million dollar question i.e : Whether DSAI does indulge in such practice viz a viz homosexual activities?
I must confess I do not know. I say this because I was never there when it happened or if it ever did happened. However, we should give him the benefit of the doubt and let the police do their professional job and if possible, co-operate with the police so that a thorough investigation could be completed as soon as possible.
Incidentally, I would like to refer to the judgement of the learned Tun Abdul Hamid Mohamid, Federal Court Judge, who delivered the majority decision of the Federal Court in the case of Dato` Seri Anwar Ibrahim v PP [2004] 3 CLJ 737 at p.788:
" To summarise our judgment, even though reading the appeal record, we find evidence to confirm that the appellants( DSAI) were involved in homosexual activities and we are more inclined to believe that the alleged incident at Tivoli Villa did a court of law, we may only convict the appellants if the prosecution has successfully proved the alleged offences as stated in the charges beyond reasonable doubt, on admissible evidence and in accordance with established principles of law.......while the testimonies of Dr.Mohd Fadzil and Tun Haniff and the conduct of the first appellant(DSAI) confirm the appellants` involvement in homosexual activities, such evidence does not corroborate Azizan`s story that he was sodomised by both the appellants at the place,time and date specified in the charge.In the absence of the corroborative evidence it is unsafe to convict the appellants on the evidence of an accomplice alone unless his evidence is unusually convincing or for some reason is of special weight which we find it is not.."

There you are. The Federal Court Judges all agreed that DSAI and the other persons did have homosexual activities. However the learned judges found that there was not enough evidence to establish the allegation that the victim (Azizan) was sodomised ( anal sex against his will/consent) by the appellants (DSAI and another). The court had decided that Azizan was an accomplice and therefore his testimonies requires corroboration (support of convioncing nature) in order to secure a conviction. Since there was no corroboration thus the court could not convict DSAI and had to acquit him.

Based on the above, we can safely simplify our undertanding in plain and simple language as such:
1) Was Anwar involved in homosexual activities then? Answer: Yes.

2) Did Anwar sodomised Azizan(the victim) ? Answer: No.

Having read the above, what do you think of the latest allegation of sodomy against DSAI ?


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Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Yes,yes and yes! Jangan betulkan TV anda! Betul it is happening again. Its a bit like watching reruns of old movies and TV series. The celebrated and most well known former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia is back in the headlines of all mahjor news paper, tabloids and internetssssss.
Yet again, SODOMY is the name and calling the bluff is the name of the game. Abundance of questions lingers on the corridoors of informations , inter alia :-
Q.1) Who is the young man allegedly the latest victim of sodomy by Anwar?

Q.2) Was he actually sodomised or was he a consenting partner?

Q.3) Do you think Anwar really did it or has he been framed again by the BN government?

Q.4) Where is the whereabout of the young man currently ?

Q.5) Where is Anwar and why was he not present at HIS own press conference to deny the allegation? (The statement was read out by a party member YB Tn.Sivarasa at the press conference on 28th.June,08)

Q.6) Is Anwar`s life really threatened that he need to seek refuge at the Embassy of Turkey in Kuala Lumpur?

Q.7) Etc.........


A.1) The young man, according to informations from most local the net, is Saiful Bukhari Azlan aged 23, a former student of UNITEN. He was very active when he was a student and invovled in many youth and student activities.

A.2) According to the newspaper report, this yound man has already lodged a police report alleging that Dato` Seri Anwar had sodomised him recently at a luxury apartment in the city.

A.3) Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) issued an offcial statement refuting the allegation as baseless and a conspiracy by the BN government to disparage and defame the reputation of DSAI again-a repeat of 1998.

A.4) It is presently unknown as to the whereabouts of the young man. The last was heard of him when he was sent for medical examination at one of hospitals in Kuala Lumpur and is undergoing treatment.

A.5) The party spokesperson explained that DSAI was too busy answering telephone calls that he was unable to attend his own press conference.

A.6) YB.Dato` Seri Dr.Rais Yatim met the representative of Turkish Embassy in Kuala Lumpur yesterday afternoon on the same issue. He was informed that the Turkish government had never invited DSAI to come to the embassy and that DSAI came of his own accord and claimed that his life was threatened. Today, it was informed DSAI had left the embassy.(Perhaps to another embassy?)

A.7) Also etc..........( Nabil kata: Lu pikir la sendiri !)

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